Creating Adventure Video Games - 2nd Edition is a follow up to the popular game making book that was originally released in 2012.
The book uses game development software Fusion 2.5 from Clickteam. An easy drag-and-drop game creation software. The book is aimed at the beginner level and those wanting to make Adventure Games of different types and styles.
The book uses game development software Fusion 2.5 from Clickteam. An easy drag-and-drop game creation software. The book is aimed at the beginner level and those wanting to make Adventure Games of different types and styles.
Coming August 2024
Kindle Pre-Orders Now Available on Amazon.
If you're ready to learn all about making your own adventure games, CREATING ADVENTURE VIDEO GAMES 2nd Edition is ready to show you how--and no prior programming skills are required! After being introduced to the history and principles of adventure game creation, learning what makes a good game, you'll immediately put your new knowledge into practice by making adventure games for the PC and web platforms. Using the latest version of Clickteam Fusion, the user-friendly drag-and-drop game and application creation program, CREATING ADVENTURE VIDEO GAMES will also teach you how to make text and graphic adventures, point and click graphic adventures games and the hugely popular hidden object adventure games--whether you're an experienced programmer or are just getting started this book will teach you all you need to know about adventure games. The book also includes instructions on how to make your own editors so you can quickly program your own your own games. With this book's easy, step-by-step instructions, you'll be on your way to creating great adventure games in no time.
Companion Files:
You can follow along with the game examples in the book by downloading the Free version of Fusion from Steam.
Please note due to a bug, you must download the Free Version installer rather than using the STEAM Version, this is being looked at and we will notify people via our Discord Server when it has been rectified.
Please note due to a bug, you must download the Free Version installer rather than using the STEAM Version, this is being looked at and we will notify people via our Discord Server when it has been rectified.
Chapter Listing:
Chapter 1 - Adventuring Through Time.
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and SAM.
Chapter 3 - Choose Your Own Path.
Chapter 4 - Adventure Game Objects.
Chapter 5 - Dungeon of Text.
Chapter 6 - Text Adventures in Depth.
Chapter 7 - Graphic Text Adventures.
Chapter 8 - Wild West.
Chapter 9 - Editors.
Chapter 10 - Creating an Editor.
Chapter 11 - Point-and-Click Adventures.
Chapter 12 - Sherlock Holmes Underworld Detective.
Chapter 13 - Hidden Object Games.
Chapter 14. - Lost and Found.
Chapter 15 - Story Adventure Maker.
Chapter 16 - Compiling Games.
Chapter 1 - Adventuring Through Time.
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and SAM.
Chapter 3 - Choose Your Own Path.
Chapter 4 - Adventure Game Objects.
Chapter 5 - Dungeon of Text.
Chapter 6 - Text Adventures in Depth.
Chapter 7 - Graphic Text Adventures.
Chapter 8 - Wild West.
Chapter 9 - Editors.
Chapter 10 - Creating an Editor.
Chapter 11 - Point-and-Click Adventures.
Chapter 12 - Sherlock Holmes Underworld Detective.
Chapter 13 - Hidden Object Games.
Chapter 14. - Lost and Found.
Chapter 15 - Story Adventure Maker.
Chapter 16 - Compiling Games.